North West, UWindsor, UManitoba announce new programs

North West College, the University of Windsor, and the University of Manitoba have recently announced new programs. Starting in Fall 2022, North West will be offering a Liberal Arts program in partnership with the University of Regina. Students will learn the critical thinking and communication skills needed for further education or their careers, and can graduate with either a 1-year certificate or a 2-year diploma. UWindsor will be offering a new Indigenous Studies minor for humanities and social science students. The minor has been developed by Indigenous faculty members and will cover a range of topics, including Indigenous literature, history, philosophy, and political science. UManitoba’s PhD in Management program will be introducing a new concentration in Supply Chain Management in order to train professors and academic researchers who can help meet the growing need for supply chain professionals in Canada. North West| UWindsor| UManitoba Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

North West | UManitoba | UManitoba